
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

New Features Added on our Web Log Pages

Beginning today, December 13, 2004, we have added a chatter box at our web log pages: "The UP Workers" and "Sa Ospital ng Bayan" (URL: and, respectively). This is to encourage our constituency in the hospital, the constituent university and the UP System to post their comments, reactions or suggestions online. And also as a mean for online chatting.

Words of caution though: "Please limit your chat topics to work-related and union-related issues."

The chat box maybe found near the counter box at of the default page of each wep log pages, at the left narrow module for "The UP Workers" and at the right narrow module for the "Sa Ospital ng Bayan."

It also include provisions for universal reosurce locator (url) for our constituents who have their own web pages, web logs, xanga, etc., by which the union may respond to their queries and comments or simply we may able to know them better by visiting thier own web sites.

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