
Monday, March 15, 2010

Unity Statement

Coalition for Truth, Justice and Good Governance*
University of the Philippines Manila

March 14, 2010

We, the different organizations, representing the students, administrative staff, REPS and Faculty of the University of the Philippines Manila, realizing our roles and responsibilities both to our respective constituents and to the Filipino people hereby declare:
That the University of the Philippines Board of Regents’ (UP-BOR) (the highest policy-making and governing body of the national university, on its 1254th Meeting on February 25, 2010), decision of appointing a new Director for the Philippine General Hospital (PGH), thereby nullifying its decision on its 1252nd Meeting on December 18, 2009, is unjust, capricious, and reek of political interference;

That the removal of Dr. Gonzales as Director of PGH without due cause and due process are violative of constitutional guarantees on security of tenure and non-removal of civil service officer or employee except for cause provided by law;

That the UP-BOR’s decision to appoint a new PGH Director in spite of an existing valid appointment of Dr. Jose Gonzales as Director of PGH from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012 has created divisiveness among the rank-and file hospital employees affecting morale and camaraderie.
We believe that Dr. Jose Gonzales was removed as Director of PGH because of his unflinching stand against the privatization of the hospital, starting on his opposition to privatized services at the proposed Faculty Medical Arts Building (FMAB).

We are aghast that the arbitrary removal of Dr. Jose Gonzales as Director of PGH, and the Machiavellian manipulation of technicalities to justify just about anything and to maneuver events to get precisely the desired results, the UP administration led by President Emerlinda Roman, had become even worse than the GMA administration except perhaps for the wanton killings and enforced disappearances.

We therefore call on our constituencies – students, administrative staff, REPS and Faculty of the University of the Philippines Manila: let us unite against impunity, abuse of power, and lack of democracy by the UP-BOR and Roman Administration; and against apathy and passivity in our ranks.

Oppose Roman’s undemocratic governance!
Oppose Malacanang intervention in decision-making in UP!
Oppose privatization of health services, fight for people’s right to health!
Uphold security of tenure and due process!
Uphold democratic representation in the university, and the principles of accountability and transparency in decision making!

*All UP Workers Union Manila
All UP Academic Employees Union Manila
Laban UP-PGH
PGH Head Nurses League
PGH Nursing Attendants Association
PGH Utility Workers Association
University Student Council-UP Manila

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hundreds of hospitals closed due to lack of health personnel

Council for Health and Development
Media Release
March 12, 2010

In the midst of the exodus of health professionals and the lack of health workers in the rural areas, the government continues to allow the illegal detention of 43 health workers in Camp Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal. These health workers have chosen to dedicate their lives and careers to serve the underprivileged in most far-flung villages while they can be better-off practicing their professions in private and state-of-the art hospitals in the cities. Sadly though, the Court of Appeals decided to legalize the unlawful arrests made by the military by adhering to the Ilagan v Enrile document – a notorious Martial Law doctrine.

“Is Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo aware that while she decorates her generals involved in this unlawful arrest, 200 hospitals have shut down and 800 are partially closed because of lack of health personnel in the countryside? Is she fully aware of the role of Community Health Workers in far-flung villages that have no access to government services? Because Mrs. Arroyo is so busy exploring every nook and cranny of the law to get emergency powers, we believe she chose to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to all the injustices that her military has done to the noble health workers serving government-neglected barangays,” Council for Health and Development Executive Director Dr. Eleanor A. Jara said.

To date, majority of doctors and nurses are employed in urban centers in the National Capital Region (NCR) and Southern Tagalog. Data from the Department of Health and the National Statistics Office reveal that as of 2007, doctors number to 125,899 and nurses at 5,426 in the NCR while there are 75,213 nurses and 3,876 doctors in Region 4-A.

In a report, among the hospitals that closed were the Almagro Community Hospital in Western Samar, Tapul Municipal Hospital, Tangkil Municipal Hospital, Pangutaran District Hospital, Siasi District Hospital and Panamao District Hospital in Sulu, and the Sergio Osmena District Hospital in Zamboanga del Norte. Meanwhile, the Calbayog District Hospital, Gandara District Hospital, Basey District Hospital and Tarangnan District Hospital in Western Samar, the Malipayon District Hospital, San Jose District Hospital and San Andres District Hospital in Romblon, and the Jolo Provincial Hospital remain partially closed.

In a country that suffers from a severe brain-drain due to the migration of health professionals for greener pastures abroad, it is indeed ironic for a government to allow the persecution of health workers instead of protecting them to encourage more health professionals to serve the barrios,” Dr. Jara lamented.

In conclusion, Dr. Jara challenged the Department of Health through its Secretary to act on her capacity to seek justice for the 43 and ensure the protection of all health workers especially those serving in the country side so as to break the chilling effect that the unlawful arrests have brought to the health community.##

Reference: Dr. Eleanor A. Jara – 0917-9789297/(+632) 929-8109

AFP should stop usurping civilian function

Free the 43 Health Workers

Media Release
March 12, 2010

The Alliance of Free the 43 Health Workers today demanded for the transfer of ALL 43 health workers to Camp Crame, Quezon City. The Alliance said that for more than a month now, the 2nd Infantry Division of the Philippine Army is usurping a civilian function that the police instead should perform.

Dr. Eleanor A. Jara, one of the spokespersons of the Alliance said that the military’s continuing and aggravating torture on the 43 should immediately prompt the courts to order the transfer of all the health workers presently detained at Camp Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal. She explained that the transfer to Camp Crame, which is distant from the military officers and officials, would at least make the health workers’ environment less hostile and more accessible to families, colleagues, and counsels of the 43.

“The transfer, however, does not and will not soften our demand for the immediate release of our colleagues because they should not have been detained in the first place. Their arrest was unlawful and they are victims of the military’s shameful violation of political and civil rights,” Dr. Jara added.

She further explained that on top of the physical and mental torture inflicted on the 43, the military continues to harass and take into custody some of the family members of the health workers. “The detainees’ families have reported this and we have no reason not to believe them because the military has every reason to do so – that is to force the 43 to admit to false accusations that they are members of the New People’s Army, hence to vindicate their unjust arrests,” she noted.

The doctor added that the families continue to suffer emotionally because of reports that the military continuously take some detainees out of their cells in the wee hours to either threaten or coax them to make false admissions. Despite the military’s claim that 5 of the health workers have “defected” to their side, Alliance maintains that such “admissions” are results of torture to the detainees and harassment to their families.

“That is why it is with utmost urgency that as we lobby and call for the immediate release of the 43 health workers, we appeal to the courts to transfer the custody of the 43 to Camp Crame and far from their torturers that is the Philippine Army in Camp Capinpin,” Dr. Jara ended.##

Reference: Dr. Eleanor A. Jara – 0917-9789297/(+632) 929-8109
35 Examiner Street, West Triangle Homes, Quezon City, Philippines 1104
Telefax: (+632) 929-8109
Petition Online:

From a Retired PGH Personnel on the PGH Directorship Issue « U.P. ISSUES

"The faculty doctors should also realize by now that they were used : free clinic spaces in FMAB were dangled so that a private group would be able to privatize and corner the lucrative pharmaceutical and laboratory business in PGH, and right within its premises ! Even Chairman Angeles had misgivings about allowing a private group to operate these services in PGH."

"Many retirees like myself have been joining the continuing efforts to give justice to Dr. Joegon because we are aghast to see our officials bastardizing revered institutions , ethics and collegial practices in the university. Its a sad day indeed, when “impunity” has reached the hollowed halls of the university that has nurtured us and taught us these values!"

From a Retired PGH Personnel on the PGH Directorship Issue « U.P. ISSUES

Group Releases Scathing Report on Violations of Workers’ Rights in Philippines - Bulatlat

The Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR), an NGO that documents and monitors human-rights violations committed against workers, released today a report that says that, in the past 50 years, unemployment in the country is highest in the nine years that President Arroyo is in power. “To date, 95 workers, trade unionists and labor rights activists had been killed extrajudicially, four were abducted and forcibly disappeared, and no one had been prosecuted for these murders,” the center said.

Group Releases Scathing Report on Violations of Workers’ Rights in Philippines - Bulatlat

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Alliance of UP Student Councils on Cronyism & UP in Crisis « U.P. ISSUES

"The simultaneous outbreak of issues and unrest across UP is the manifestation of the crisis brought about by the drive for commercialization and privatization. Such drive has caused the further marginalization of the democratic rights and welfare of the students, workers, and faculty."

"Governance has degraded to the level of tyranny and cronyism – reminiscent of the national leadership of Pres. Gloria Arroyo that has brought this country to the quagmire of mal-development and perpetual crises."


Alliance of UP Student Councils on Cronyism & UP in Crisis « U.P. ISSUES

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

HEAD: Appeals Court is Perpetuating Injustice Using Marcos-Era Doctrine

Health Alliance for Democracy (HEAD)
Media Release
10 March 2010

Statement on CA dismissal of habeas corpus petition

Health Alliance for Democracy deplored the Court of Appeals’ decision to dismiss the petition for habeas corpus filed on behalf of the 43 illegally detained health workers.

“Justice is not served today. It is unfortunate that the expanded second division of the Court of Appeals chose to hark back to a Marcos-era doctrine to justify the unjustifiable,” declared Dr. Geneve Rivera, HEAD Secretary-General.

Dr. Rivera is referring to the Ilagan Doctrine, which seems to have been the basis of the decision. The doctrine, based on a 1985 Supreme Court decision, renders a habeas corpus petition “moot and academic” once a case is filed in court.

However, the health group is unconvinced.

“The Court of Appeals is not only perpetuating injustice, it is undermining ‘sacred constitutional rights’ by using a doctrine that legalized the abuses of the military during the Marcos dictatorship. It (CA) is now condoning the contemptuous disregard for due process and human rights of Arroyo’s state security forces.”

HEAD also questioned specific presumptions of the decision.

“What ‘reason of some supervening event’ can the CA justices cite in this instance, save perhaps the planted evidence and torture perpetrated by the military to substantiate its claims? What ‘virtue of a valid court process’ is being cited here, when even the Commission on Human Rights regards the inquest proceedings made by state prosecutors as dubious because of the lack of legal counsel for the accused?”

The health group learned that two of the three-member CA second division, Justices Normandie Pizarro and Francisco Acosta, favored the health workers’ petition. Unfortunately, the division was expanded and the two additional CA justices went against the petition.

“What remedy can the CA now propose, when the cases filed in the lower courts are themselves founded on questionable bases? How can citizens expect to find justice when the courts themselves condone the violation of due process and the presumption of innocence?” added Dr. Rivera.

Quoting former Supreme Court justice Claudio Teehankee in his dissenting opinion on the Ilagan case, HEAD believes that the criminal cases filed against the health workers are “railroaded proceedings” patently void because they have been “issued without jurisdiction under the well-settled rule that ‘a violation of a constitutional right divests the court of jurisdiction; and as a consequence its judgment [or order] is null and void and confers no rights.’”

As for the next step, the health group is seeking to elevate the issue to the Supreme Court. At the same time, they are reiterating their demand for the transfer of the health workers to Camp Crame, to prevent further torture at the hands of the military.

“Our quest for justice is not over. We will not stop until all 43 health workers are free!” concluded Dr. Rivera. ####


Dr. Geneve E. Rivera
Secretary-General, 0920 460 3712

Dr. Darby S. Santiago
Chair, 0927 473 7700