University of the Philippines Manila
March 14, 2010
We, the different organizations, representing the students, administrative staff, REPS and Faculty of the University of the Philippines Manila, realizing our roles and responsibilities both to our respective constituents and to the Filipino people hereby declare:
That the University of the Philippines Board of Regents’ (UP-BOR) (the highest policy-making and governing body of the national university, on its 1254th Meeting on February 25, 2010), decision of appointing a new Director for the Philippine General Hospital (PGH), thereby nullifying its decision on its 1252nd Meeting on December 18, 2009, is unjust, capricious, and reek of political interference;We believe that Dr. Jose Gonzales was removed as Director of PGH because of his unflinching stand against the privatization of the hospital, starting on his opposition to privatized services at the proposed Faculty Medical Arts Building (FMAB).
That the removal of Dr. Gonzales as Director of PGH without due cause and due process are violative of constitutional guarantees on security of tenure and non-removal of civil service officer or employee except for cause provided by law;
That the UP-BOR’s decision to appoint a new PGH Director in spite of an existing valid appointment of Dr. Jose Gonzales as Director of PGH from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012 has created divisiveness among the rank-and file hospital employees affecting morale and camaraderie.
We are aghast that the arbitrary removal of Dr. Jose Gonzales as Director of PGH, and the Machiavellian manipulation of technicalities to justify just about anything and to maneuver events to get precisely the desired results, the UP administration led by President Emerlinda Roman, had become even worse than the GMA administration except perhaps for the wanton killings and enforced disappearances.
We therefore call on our constituencies – students, administrative staff, REPS and Faculty of the University of the Philippines Manila: let us unite against impunity, abuse of power, and lack of democracy by the UP-BOR and Roman Administration; and against apathy and passivity in our ranks.
Oppose Roman’s undemocratic governance!
Oppose Malacanang intervention in decision-making in UP!
Oppose privatization of health services, fight for people’s right to health!
Uphold security of tenure and due process!
Uphold democratic representation in the university, and the principles of accountability and transparency in decision making!
*All UP Workers Union Manila
All UP Academic Employees Union Manila
Laban UP-PGH
PGH Head Nurses League
PGH Nursing Attendants Association
PGH Utility Workers Association
University Student Council-UP Manila